I was walking around the desolat land fills of planet5113x looking for my old trash bags. i found that my trash had spilled into some other trash that wasn't mine. sifting through the trash made me feel like a detetective. a scavanger walked up to me as i was rumaging and told me i reminded her of stocker she once knew. i said i was flattered and asked her for her name. the conversation went like this.
"my name is stacey"
"oh yah. that's a great name. i never knew a stacey personnally. my name is duke"
"your mother name you duke?"
she paused and stopped blinking for a while. i starred into her eyes as if to learn her mind. i found nothing and kept acting as if i was rummaging. she then proceeded to speak.
"why in heavens name are you starring into my eyes like that"
"well...you're not blinking. and i was trying to read your soul....i do that from time to time."
she waited a second then said"what are you doing here?"
"trying to find some answers"
"what's your question?"
"what are you doing here"
"you came here to find out about me. you didn't even know me until you came here"
"no. i changed the subject because i didn't want to talk about it...what are you doing here stacey?"
"i'm here because i'm sad"
"oohhhhh, sad stacey who's spacey and not tasty"
"....my friend died the other week"
"my bad....so you're trying to live in your memories or something?"
"no. not exactly...see the police said she was murdered, but tiff didn't have an enemy in the world...so i'm here trying to find out what might have caused such an atrocity to happen"
"how was she killed?"
"the police say that someone must have followed her all day the night she was killed...then at the stroke of midnight the killer opened her fridge, pulled out some old jello..............oh i can't even say it....it's so horrible but so sweet at the same time. i'm just so confused...."
"sounds like you need to be alone. it was nice to meet you though."
with a single tear rolling down her cheek she waved goodbye and blew me a kiss. i caught the kiss and rubbed it on my ass cheek and said in a quiet voice," you just kissed my ass bitch"
"what" she said
"i said you pushed piss twice passed and licked"
i wandered around a little and decided to go back to the future.