
an abundance amongst us

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Scenario # 1

You're sitting down chillin' out catchin' the breeze drinkin' some juice. There's an explosion. The sky is covered, the streets and buildings are crumbled, trees & shrubbery are ablaze, and water is finding new territory. You walk around exploring the new world and come to find out that you're the only human alive. All the other creatures of earth besides the human are still alive. You start to get lonely and sit down for some reflection time.

God comes to your ear and says in a low near sub-sonic level, "chip up buck, i'll throw you a bone."

"A bone?" you say
"Yes buckly, a bone....the radiation from the cataclysm has caused some DNA genetic code corruption. you can fuck any animal or get fucked by any animal and can create babies of a mixed breed...."
"Word G>o>D!" you say "

The story ends here with no moral, but a question to my loyal readers.......

What animal would you have relations with and why?


  • At 3:22 PM, Blogger aloneconformist said…

    i would sire a master race of sino-centaurs for though my lunar denomination is of equine tendency, it woULD BE REDEMPTION AT LAST TO FINALLY BE KNOWN FOR WHAT SHOULD HAVE ALWAYS BEEN OUR ABNORMALLY LARGE GENITALIA!!! EQUUS!!! EQUUS!!!

    centaurs are all horse from the waist down right?

  • At 7:31 PM, Blogger train said…

    what if it came out the other way though....with a horse head and a human body.....and can all animals reproduce with other animals or just the human?

  • At 7:33 PM, Blogger train said…

    wait...!! i can get fucked and reproduce as well?!? man....im gonna get raped! repeatedly! thats a fucked up senario, man!


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