
an abundance amongst us

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Groundhog Day

I attempted to travel at 99.999999999% the speed of light the other day. I found a black hole, entered it, turned into spaghetti, and found myself spewed out into a bent universe.

a universe that gives me no vision. well, not the vision i need. i'm still able to maintain and perform my daily duties, but not like myself. more like a robot or a man stuck in a time continuem with a centrifugal force that keeps me spun like a fiend sniffing ozone. i like to think thoughts that move into the future. my thoughts, instead, are moving into the past. my vessel, dukehogwild, still walks, talks, and resides within the societal limits during present time. i think they still see him but i can't tell for sure. but that's not a real problem.

the major dilema i have is when i sift through my old trash bags trying to find an answer for the plague of my mind. you see...what i find terrifies me. I know just what it is that slows my progress. but what follows is a paralyzing fear of a certain change. a change that will stay with me forever.

I know what it is. Do i know what must me done?....


  • At 6:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    don't be silly


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