you are being watched...not because it's possible. not because you did something. not because you allow it..but because you are special. how does it feel specialist? everything is the same in your world because you are the everything. you bring war to xanadus. you arrange peace in bacterea because you smile cookie. this discourse was going perfect until you started reading. but you are forgiven because you are the punishment.....delphonic sounds of the 90's blaring through the window of your town car. why must you come around this little town flossing your chips in a tinted town car? i know why...because you eat shit for lunch...shit breath..do i know you. i don't think so love funker..get out of here before you recieve the forever vixen death finger to your temple....i love you. i won't tell you why. it's hard enough to let it go. if the celtic to your left will shut up for just 1 minute, i would be able to give you this here handle on life. do you want the handle? huh fucker? i can't here you. speak up. come see me at the shop. i'll be there. i ain't goin' nowhere marlboro eater. grab your genitals and say my name..just fuckin' around..but really, grab your genitals and say my name one more time and i'll wipe your momma's tears with your underwear. but only after i feed you laxitives in maximum dosage and lock you in 1st internationals onion safe for 3 hours....let me get back to you.
At 9:11 PM, train said…
much better
At 2:08 PM, train said…
At 2:46 PM, train said…
you have been linked by the evil monkey. monkey's evil twin
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